GeoExpro har valgt seg Salgsfabrikken som samarbeidspartner
GeoExpro har valgt seg Salgsfabrikken som samarbeidspartner på alt annonsesalg til magasinet GeoExpro og nettsiden GeoExpro er en av de mest leste og største mediekanaler innenfor olje, gas og energi, på verdensbasis.
«We report on subsurface news, trends and developments from the global energy sector. That means oil and gas, but also deep and shallow geothermal, energy storage and CCS. We keep an eye on new technologies and deep-sea minerals as well. What sets us apart from other media outlets is that we put a strong emphasis on illustrations. Ultimately, geoscientists like maps, seismic lines and cross-sections.
We have a personal approach in the sense that we speak to many people to hear what is happening in the subsurface community. Our attendance at most of the big geoscience conferences enables us to do so.
GEO EXPRO is a magazine that appears in hardcopy format six times a year, but the articles are also published on our website (, along with other industry news.
We rely on income from ads. That’s why you see banners in our posts. Seismic companies also market their capabilities with us, but this is done in a technical way such that our readers can enjoy interesting seismic lines with a technical story attached.»
Vi har fra før har vi et godt samarbeid med GeoPublishing ( søster selskapet til GeoExpro) som har kanalene Geo magasin, Geo kalender og samt GeoPublishing Events som har 5 fagkonferanser i året.
Fra venstre: Kirsti Karlsson, Ingvild Ryggen Carstens, Pia Himberg og Wenche Huser Sund.